American Tree Service of Sioux Falls SD Since 1996
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WORRIED ABOUT YOUR ASH TREES? Call Us (605) 965-8733

Contact us today for a consultation & a FREE estimate!
Arborist drills small holes in the base of your ash tree and then injects an insecticide called ArborMectin Insecticide until the tree has completely absorbed the appropriate amount.
In several intensive studies conducted by MSU and OSU researchers, a single injection of ArborMectin Insecticide killes Emerald Ash Borer for approximately two years, even under high pest presence. This means that you typically only need to treat your trees for EAB every two years.
Because the EAB treatment is injected directly into the tree, there's no chemical spray to worry about. The tree absorbs the insecticide and spreads it throughout the trunk, branches and leaves where the beetles and larvae will ingest it and die. There's no exposure to you, your pets or the environment.
Arborist drills small holes in the base of your ash tree and then injects an insecticide called ArborMectin Insecticide until the tree has completely absorbed the appropriate amount.
In several intensive studies conducted by MSU and OSU researchers, a single injection of ArborMectin Insecticide killes Emerald Ash Borer for approximately two years, even under high pest presence. This means that you typically only need to treat your trees for EAB every two years.
Because the EAB treatment is injected directly into the tree, there's no chemical spray to worry about. The tree absorbs the insecticide and spreads it throughout the trunk, branches and leaves where the beetles and larvae will ingest it and die. There's no exposure to you, your pets or the environment.